Kids karate

More than just Martial Arts.
Discover the Transformative Powers Martial Arts Has On Children

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Our kids karate program offers

Develops character and humanity

We all want our kids to change the world and make an impact on future generations. Through a focus on aiming and achieving goals, we teach kids to shoot for the stars and incrementally chase goals step-by-step. All while instilling values such as love, empathy, respect, humility, and discipline.

Rewards unbelievable listening skills

By learning the value of respect and humility, kids learn to listen attentively to their elders. It starts with an eagerness to learn all the cool moves and “tricks” they see their friends doing but once they realize what they can accomplish by simply paying attention they begin listening in other areas of life as well. Soon your child will value the instruction of family and teachers taking lessons straight to heart.

Encourages teamwork and socialization

Nothing unites kids better than sharing a common interest. We teach children to work together to better each other and accomplish great things. Bullying or competition in any form is frowned upon and each child learns to embrace each other’s differences.

By putting electronics aside, kids begin to appreciate the present and interact with each other in a way unseen in today’s digital world. This alone is often our greatest accomplishment in many cases.

But how is this possible?

It’s not magic or some secret ancient wisdom, as cool as that would be. All it really comes down to is our philosophy and commitment in developing the “whole” student as opposed to simply teaching a specific skill. We strive to raise our students to new heights in not just martial arts but also in overall health, character, discipline, confidence, development, and socialization. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly what that “magic” ingredient is, but our combination of a flexible weekly schedule, accommodating approach, and focus on character development just seems to resonate with our students and their families.

Start here

Book a free intro today so we can learn all about your kids, and how we can get the going.

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